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Make a Gift

National Evangelical Institute for Girls and Boys (NEIGB) was founded in 1862 with a strong mission, vision and sense of community that remains even today. As a non-profit institution, financial support is crucial to delivering the kind of outstanding education that our community values. Gifts to NEIGB help provide the school with the additional resources required beyond tuition. This enables us to ensure sustainability of our programs over the long-term.

NEIGB offers different ways to get involved. No matter how you choose to support the school: through annual giving, student scholarships, funding new initiatives, or leaving a legacy, your generosity will make a big difference. Consider giving today by making NEIGB one of your philanthropic priorities, and invest in the future of our students.

Booth Hall Renovation - Girls School Auditorium

Help us now renovate our school’s lower campus auditorium.  You can make your donation to NEIGB by contacting us at

Giving Opportunities

Like many schools, NEIGB depends on fundraising as an important part of its operating budget and to meet its long term goals. You can make your gift to NEIGB in a number of ways listed below:


Donations to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence provide the school with the flexibility to address annual needs that arise to support the people and programs that make NEIGB distinct. Donors can make unrestricted donations that enable the school to identify and fund annual initiatives and programs identified and offered by the school, or donors can direct their contribution to one or more of the funds listed below:

Student Scholarship Fund

Technology Fund

Library Fund

Laboratories Fund

Infrastructure Renovation Fund

Compassion Pack

A program for grievances at NEIGB can make a difference in the lives of students who may be going through one of the most difficult times of their lives.

Compassion Packs are given to specific children in preschool, elementary, middle and high school at NEIGB identified to have lost a loved one, lost a home or going through physical or emotional trauma (severe illness). The children receive a backpack or a tote bag filled with age-appropriate items that may provide comfort and a distraction from the emotional trauma of loss, such as a book about grieving, coloring book, sketch pad, blanket, small toys, snacks, personal hygiene products, etc.

The packs provide comfort and support and say, ‘We see you, we see you’re hurting, and we love you.”
NEIGB counselor will also provide trauma-informed education to teachers, parents and caregivers on proper ways to respond to students who may be going through a difficult time.
It seems that’s what a lot of our kids are missing, that connection. They’re missing that support and that advocate for them.

The compassion pack is simply saying we care about you.
To sponsor a compassion pack, checks can be mailed to:

Care of President’s Office
Compassion Pack Initiative The National Evangelical Institute for Girls & Boys
PO Box 11
Saida- Lebanon

A mere 100,000 L.L. can help put together one pack, and smaller donations can help share the cost. People may also drop off in person their kind donations for the compassion packs at our Administration offices.


NEIGB seeks endowed, named scholarships which support particular categories of students within the school’s recruitment objectives. If you wish to consider such an investment, please email us at to discuss your ideas.


Generous alumni and school/Evangelical Churches and organizations have made major contributions to the renewal of the campus throughout NEIGB’s 157 year history. Past and recent projects that have been funded include the Preschool and Elementary Buildings, the Multipurpose Sports Gym, The Aspire Field, The Gerard Field, The Theater/Auditorium, and the Cafeteria. If you wish to discuss a larger individual, corporate or development gift, and where it might be used, please email us at

We rely on our NEIGB community — current and past parents, alumni, faculty and staff, board members and friends — to help ensure our ability to offer an exceptional education to all our students.

Contributions touch every aspect of the school, from scholarships for students, professional development opportunities for staff, academic and extracurricular programs in science, performing arts, sports, outdoor education, and infrastructure projects like updating academic campus buildings, classroom and lab furnishings, libraries and reading rooms and more.

On an annual basis, your gifts help us apply financial resources to the areas of greatest need. Your participation ensures the school’s solid financial future and inspires others to support and invest in the school. Below are common questions and answers about our annual giving program. For more information, please contact us at

Giving - FAQ

What is annual giving and the NEIGB Fund for Excellence?

Annual giving focuses on the school’s annual fundraising priority. Each year, all members of our community (parents, alumni, board members, staff and friends) are urged, through an annual fundraising campaign, to make a donation to NEIGB. The revenues raised through our annual giving program support the NEIGB Fund for Excellence. This is our unrestricted fund, which means we can support projects and initiatives where resources are needed and required most. In doing so, the funds go toward providing our students with an exemplary NEIGB education now and into the future.

Why is annual giving so important? What does it fund?

Tuition at NEIGB covers the majority of the school’s annual budget; annual giving and other major gifts pay for the essentials needed for excellence, and for projects and programs required to ensure that the school stays relevant into the future.

How much am I expected to give?

We urge you to consider making NEIGB one of your primary philanthropic priorities. We ask that you contribute at a level that is personally meaningful and comfortably affordable for you and your family. Gifts may range from tens to thousands of dollars. Every gift is greatly valued and deeply appreciated no matter the amount.

Why is a gift of ANY size important to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence?

Support of the NEIGB Fund for Excellence represents your belief in the continuation of the NEIGB mission and your dedication to the maintenance of this vision for current and future students. Your gift of any amount demonstrates to our alumni, past/current parents and foundations your continued commitment to the NEIGB community. Small gifts add together to become large ventures.

Can I specify where my gift should go?

Unrestricted gifts from donors (gifts that can be applied where needed most) provide NEIGB with the greatest degree of flexibility to respond to needs that arise throughout the year. However, donors may direct their contribution to one of the specific programs and funds – simply specify which area you want to support when you make your donation.

I’m not sure which fund to support. Which is the most useful for NEIGB?

Which ever fund you choose to support, you can rest assured that your donation will be put to work as effectively as possible. But if you’re not sure which area you want to support, a donation to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence gives the school the most flexibility to use the money where the school community needs it most. As the fund is unrestricted, NEIGB can use the money to support the highest priority projects and initiatives.

Who is asked to contribute to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence?

The NEIGB Fund for Excellence helps support the entire NEIGB community—students, alumni, parents, teachers, staff, former teachers and staff, former parents, friends of the school, etc.; accordingly, we seek help from the worldwide community of past and present parents, alumni, board members, friends and staff.

Can I make a gift to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence over a period of time?

Consider a monthly or a sustained gift. A sustaining gift gives you control of your monthly expenses but also demonstrates your fiscal support of NEIGB’s current and future mission. Should you opt to use a credit card to make monthly payments, the monthly charge on your credit card can be cancelled at any time upon your request.

How does the NEIGB Fund for Excellence affect NEIGB’s operating budget?

Each year NEIGB depends on a combination of fee income and charitable contributions to achieve its educational objectives. Contributions to the NEIGB Fund for Excellence meets immediate needs and is allocated toward capital project improvements such as student projects, online resources for students and staff, curriculum development and modernization, special student projects and professional development opportunities for teachers and staff.

Do all schools like NEIGB fundraise?

Yes, most schools fund-raise, particularly schools like NEIGB that aim to keep tuition fees reasonably low and under control. Tuition at NEIGB is the ‘price tag’ for a quality school education, but it is not the true cost.

Why doesn’t the school just raise the tuition to cover it's true cost of education?

NEIGB works hard to maintain tuition rates that are affordable, yet without sacrificing quality. NEIGB offers the best education there is in Lebanon and prides itself in going the extra mile to make education holistic and extended beyond the classroom through quality enrichment programs. Yet, our tuition fees have purposefully remained more affordable than fees charged at comparable schools. This synergies with our philosophy to make education possible for a wide scope of families with varying economic circumstances. Keeping tuition rates moderate, without compromising the quality of our educational programs, is an important core value of NEIGB.